Industry News

Case Study Featuring The First U.S. Airbus Manufacturing Plant

When Airbus decided to construct its first U.S. manufacturing plant in the rainiest city in America, Mobile, Alabama, waterproofing challenges were expected to arise as quick as the abundant ground water would.  The challenges encountered and the process of overcoming them is now detailed in the W. R. MEADOWS case study “A Waterproofing First in the South.”

This massive project included a 700,000-square foot building built above over a mile of tunnel sinking 15’ into the earth in a harsh climate.  W. R. MEADOWS, working with Ram Construction Services, was able to find a solution as detailed in this case study available at  

The first task was to ensure the substantial underground tunnel would be effectively waterproofed. Despite working under a roof, there was considerable groundwater to combat due to working close to Mobile Bay, which required consistent pumping and drying of the construction zone. Several hundred piles used to support the tunnel floor needed to be treated before the first line of waterproofing defense was installed, PRECON® underslab and blindside waterproofing membrane. Hydrostatic pressure was reduced with the use of MEL-DRAIN™. The walls were treated with MEL-ROL® heavy duty polymeric waterproofing membrane. The versatility and flexibility of these products allowed for easy instillation into the tight work spaces which saved time and increased efficiency. Over 40,000 square feet of PRECON and 65,000 square feet of MEL-ROL were used to complete the job.

View this interesting case study at to learn more about W. R. MEADOWS’ involvement in constructing the first U.S. Airbus manufacturing plant.