Industry News

Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance (SPFA) Elects and Announces New Board of Directors for 2018-2020

The Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance (SPFA), the educational and technical voice of the spray polyurethane foam industry, today announced its newly elected Board of Directors for 2018 to 2020. Encompassing industry leaders from both the contractor and manufacturer sides of the business, the 16-member Board includes an Executive Committee and 12 additional voting members. 
“Our newly elected Board of Directors includes returning experienced members, new individuals offering fresh energy and ideas, as well as the necessary diversity spanning insulation and roofing contracting, SPF materials manufacturing and equipment, and companies of varying size and geographic location, in alignment with our broader SPFA membership priorities,” said Kurt Riesenberg, Executive Director of the Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance (SPFA). “I welcome each of these leaders and look forward to serving with them over the next two years as we work to continue the growth in the industry.”
The SPFA Executive Committee includes: Tiffiny Flaim, President of SPFA and President of BIOFOAM; Bryan Heldreth, Vice President of SPFA and Vice President of RPC Industries; Richard Spiess, Treasurer of SPFA and President of Innovative Insulation Solutions Ltd.; John Achille, Past President of SPFA and Vice President of Coastal Insulation.
Incoming voting members of the SPFA Board of Directors include: John Cunningham, Owner of AGL Sprayfoam; Nick Laudenbach, Vice President of Fencil Urethane Systems;  Bonnie Strickler, President & Owner of PUFF Inc.; Ron Winkle, President of Roof Asset Management; Teri England, Vice President of SmartChoice Insulation & Roofing; Jack Moore, President & CEO of West Roofing Systems; Joe Stockdale, Industry Relations, Spray Foam of Accella Polyurethane Systems (Carlisle); Todd Wishneski, Technical Service Manager of BASF; Will Lorenz, Vice President of Sales of General Coatings;  Nick Pagano, Business Development Manager of Graco; Tyler Fiske, Territory Manager of Icynene-Lapolla; Mitch Clifton, Director of Sales & Marketing of NCFI Polyurethanes.
“Our new Board of Directors enters at a pivotal time for our industry. Construction sectors continue to grow at a strong pace,” said incoming SPFA President, Tiffiny Flaim. “As the use of spray foam expands to meet consumer energy goals, we are faced with challenges including ongoing labor shortages, increasing regulatory actions and intense competition. I am confident that our new board members are the right team to help our membership navigate today’s marketplace with greater ease. I look forward to the time I serve as President and look forward to highlighting the positive attributes of this great industry.”
Notably Ms. Flaim, President of BIOFOAM, Inc., a Chicago based SPF contractor, is the first female to hold the title of Board President for SPFA. The organization is proud of reflecting the construction industry trends benefitting from womens’ leadership and ownership in the industry.
“I know Tiffiny is going to be great, and we have a great overall management team,” added Riesenberg. “Everything SPFA and this board are working on eventually impacts most sprayfoam companies whether they realize it or not, as well as the industry and ultimately the customer. This board takes the reigns in a strong position to continue efforts that improve the lives and work of our members. The representation on this board includes just about every perspective of the various industry sectors and they’re having the discussions that need to be had. That should excite people as we prepare to take new strides to get our members ready for fast-paced growth.”
 The current SPFA Board of Directors will be active from July 2018 through June 2020. 

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