Industry News

AMPP Launches Action Center for Industry Advocacy

In the dynamic realm where Capitol Hill decisions reverberate through our industry, the Association for Materials Protection and Performance (AMPP) remains steadfast in its commitment to effecting change in how the federal government addresses unmitigated corrosion. 

To amplify these advocacy efforts and harness the collective power of our community, AMPP has unveiled the AMPP Action Center as a pivotal component of its advocacy program.

Why the Action Center Matters

AMPP members are at the forefront of influencing policy changes that directly impact the corrosion prevention and coatings industry. The AMPP Action Center puts the tools of advocacy directly in the hands of members by providing a platform in which concerns and opinions can reach the ears of representatives in Congress.

Your Voice, Your Power

Every registered voter within the AMPP community wields significant influence. Members of Congress rely on constituents to shape their perspectives and decisions. 

Voices, experiences, and insights matter, as members of Congress and their staff prioritize the concerns and opinions expressed by their constituents. The AMPP Action Center empowers members to be a driving force in shaping the policies that govern this industry.

Key Features of the AMPP Action Center

  • User-friendly interface: Users can easily navigate the Action Center, which is designed to make the advocacy journey seamless.
  • Tailored advocacy tools: Access resources are crafted to help users effectively communicate concerns to Congress.
  • Action alerts: Stay informed with timely updates on advocacy opportunities and pressing issues.

Engaging in the First Campaign

With the inaugural campaign, “Bridge Safety Throughout the Country,” AMPP says it is committed to championing bridge safety nationwide. Bridges are the lifelines connecting communities, driving commerce, and ensuring safe passage for all. 

However, many bridges across the country are grappling with corrosion-related challenges, posing potential risks to public safety and infrastructure integrity. This campaign aims to elevate awareness, drive policy changes, and foster collaboration to enhance bridge safety initiatives across the nation.

Visit the AMPP Action Center to discover resources and tools designed to facilitate member engagement in the advocacy process. Participation is instrumental in driving needed changes.

While there, users can sign up for alerts; find legislation; find local officials; and compose personal messages to U.S. Senators and Representatives.

A commitment to advocacy fuels our collective impact. By making our voices heard, AMPP hopes to shape a future where corrosion prevention and coatings take center stage in federal decision-making.

For more information, contact: AMPP Action Center, (800) 797-6223,