
World Traveler: Phil Fouche Educates Generations of Coatings Professionals

Phil Fouche is the owner and president of oilfield equipment supplier Quatro Products dba REXCO in Odessa, Texas. Now 74 years old, he has been a member of NACE International and now the Association for Materials Protection and Performance (AMPP) since 1991. 

During those years, Fouche has been active on numerous association boards and committees, including a spot on the NACE/AMPP Coating Inspector Program (CIP) Subcommittee for more than a decade. On the business side, Fouche sold heavy-duty coatings until the sale of his paint stores in 2016. 

Today, Fouche holds an AMPP Senior Certified Coatings Inspector credential and continues to travel the world as a CIP Instructor to help educate the next generation of coatings professionals across numerous countries and continents. 

Over his distinguished career as an educator, Fouche has led that mission—often by teaching the first CIP classes—in locations such as Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Dubai, Ecuador, Egypt, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Mexico, the Philippines, Qatar, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela, Vietnam, and of course, all over the United States. During that time, Fouche advocated for Spanish and Chinese translations of many course materials and played a key role in that transition. 

As part of our “member profile” series, Fouche recently spoke with us regarding his extensive time in the corrosion control and protective coatings industries, along with some highlights and lessons learned from his decades spent as an education instructor.

Tune in! For more information on the program, visit AMPP’s CIP web page.